1T 490
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 490)
The water cure establishment at ----- has been the best institution in the United States. Its managers have been doing a great and good work as far as the treatment of disease is concerned. Yet we cannot have confidence in their religious principles. While they profess to be Christians, they recommend to their patients card playing, dancing, and attending theaters, all of which have a tendency to evil, or, to say the very least, have the appearance of evil, and are directly contrary to the teachings of Christ and His apostles. Conscientious Sabbathkeepers who visit these institutions for the purpose of regaining health cannot receive the benefit they would if they were not obliged to keep themselves constantly guarded lest they compromise their faith, dishonor the cause of their Redeemer, and bring their own souls into bondage. (1T 490.1) MC VC
I was shown that Sabbathkeepers should open a way for those of like precious faith to be benefited without their being under the necessity of expending their means at institutions where their faith and religious principles are endangered, and where they can find no sympathy or union in religious matters. God in His providence directed the course of Dr. B to ----- that he might there obtain an experience he would not otherwise have gained, for He had a work for him to do in the health reform. As a practicing physician he had for years been obtaining a knowledge of the human system, and God would now have him by precept and practice learn how to apply the blessings placed within the reach of man. He would have him become prepared to benefit the sick and instruct those who do not understand how to preserve the strength and health they already have, and how to prevent disease by a wise use of heaven’s remedies—pure water, air, and diet. (1T 490.2) MC VC