Te 220, 236
(Temperance 220, 236)
Not to Sacrifice Principle—From the light God has given me, every member among us should sign the pledge and be connected with the temperance association.... (Te 220.1) MC VC
We should unite with other people just as far as we can and not sacrifice principle. This does not mean that we should join their lodges and societies, [Note: These remarks were made by Mrs. White at the annual meeting of the Michigan Health and Temperance Association. Her statement touched on a number of resolutions just presented, among which were the following: (Te 220.2) MC VC
Resolved, That we encourage the organization of a local club in the church to which we belong or with which we are associated....” (Te 220.3) MC VC
Resolved, That we urge our young people to take an active part in our local clubs and at the same time endeavor to guard them from the influence of other societies that do not adopt the high moral and physical standard that we advocate.”—The Review and Herald, October 21, 1884, 669. (Italics supplied by compilers.)] but that we should let them know that we are most heartily in sympathy with the temperance question. (Te 220.4) MC VC
We should not work solely for our own people, but should bestow labor also upon noble minds outside of our ranks. We should be at the head in the temperance reform.—The Review and Herald, October 21, 1884. (Te 220.5) MC VC
An Effective Work in Uniting With Christian Temperance Workers—Soon after my husband and I returned from California to Michigan in the spring of 1877, we were earnestly solicited to take part in a temperance mass meeting, a very praiseworthy effort in progress among the better portion of the citizens of Battle Creek. This movement embraced the Battle Creek reform club, six hundred strong, and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, two hundred and sixty strong. God, Christ, and Holy Spirit, and the Bible were familiar words with these earnest workers. Much good had already been accomplished, and the activity of the workers, the system by which they labored, and the spirit of their meetings, promised greater good in time to come.... (Te 220.6) MC VC
Called to the Holy War Against Appetite and Lust—Are our young men prepared to lift their voices in the cause of temperance and show its bearing upon Christianity? Will they engage in the holy war against appetite and lust? Our artificial civilization encourages evils which are destroying sound principles. And the Lord is at the door. Where are the men who will go forth to the work, fully trusting in God, ready to do and to dare? God calls, “Son, go work today in My vineyard.”(Matthew 21:28)—Manuscript 134, 1898. (Te 236.1) MC VC
To Follow God’s Instruction—We must begin to labor on the subject of temperance. We must take this matter up in the way that the Lord has often presented to me should be done.—Letter 334, 1905. (Te 236.2) MC VC
Called to Join Our Temperance Society—Temperance societies, and clubs have been formed among those who make no profession of the truth, while our people although far ahead of every other denomination in the land in principle and practical temperance have been slow to organize into temperance societies, and thus have failed to exert the influence they otherwise might.—Letter 1, 1882. (Te 236.3) MC VC
From the light God has given me, every member among us should sign the pledge and be connected with the temperance association.—The Review and Herald, October 21, 1884. (Te 236.4) MC VC
Every Church Member to Work—Let those who have their Bibles and who believe the word of God become active temperance workers. Who will now seek to advance the work of our Redeemer? Let every church member work in right lines.—Letter 18a, 1906. (Te 236.5) MC VC
We want everyone to be a temperance worker.—Manuscript 18, 1894. (Te 236.6) MC VC
Power of Example—By our example and personal effort we may be the means of saving many souls from the degradation of intemperance, crime, and death.—Testimonies for the Church 3:489. (Te 236.7) MC VC