Ev 47
(Evangelism 47)
Sounding the Call in New Places—Our Saviour’s work was to warn the cities and to ordain workers to go out of the cities to places where the light had never yet been given, and to lift up the standard of truth in new localities....The light is given me that we must not have special anxiety to crowd too many interests into one locality, but should look for places in out-of-the-way districts and work in new places. Thus people may be reached and converted who know nothing of the precious, testing truths for this time. The last call should be made just as important in new places in this country as in distant lands. This word was spoken concerning some localities that have not had the message brought to them. The seeds of truth are to be sown in uncultivated centers....It will cultivate a missionary spirit to work in new localities. Selfishness in respect to keeping large companies together is not the Lord’s plan. Enter every new place possible and begin the work of educating in vicinities that have not heard the truth. (Ev 47.1) MC VC
Why did our Saviour labor to sow the seed in out-of-the-way places? Why did He travel slowly away from the villages which had been His places for communicating light by opening the Scriptures? There was a world to hear, and some souls would accept the truth who had not yet heard it. Christ traveled slowly and opened the Scriptures in their simplicity to minds that would receive the truth.—Letter 318, 1908. (Ev 47.2) MC VC
Simultaneous Efforts in Smaller Cities—During the time when camp meetings can be held in this conference, two or three meetings in different places should be in progress at the same time. There is a time when these meetings cannot be held; but during the months when we can use the tents to advantage, we are not to confine our efforts to the largest cities. We must give the warning message to the people in every place.—Manuscript 104, 1902. (Ev 47.3) MC VC