Ev 427-8
(Evangelism 427-8)
There is not the least chance of getting into the little rough churches in the bush. We have been refused all chance to speak to the people in this way. But in the Lord’s great temple, the open air—the heavens our dome, and the earth our floor—we can obtain hearers who otherwise would not hear. We feel intensely over the matter of lifting the standard of truth in these places. The people have no shepherd. The state church in Cooranbong stands locked week after week, and the people hear no preaching. We see that there is a great work to be done in out-of-the-way places in the open air. I have an appointment for such a meeting next Sunday afternoon at Dora Creek. We have now two places where these meetings are held.—Letter 79, 1899. (Ev 427.1) MC VC
Experience in Reaching Those Who Would Not Enter a Hall—I see so much to do. I cannot see any place where I can let go my hold. Souls are perishing, and I must help them. I speak in the church and out of the church. We drive out into the country places, and speak in the open air, because the prejudice against the truth is so great that the people will not consent to our speaking in the little rough house where they assemble for worship.... (Ev 427.2) MC VC
On Sunday we went to Dora Creek, three miles away, and spoke to the people in the open air. About ninety persons were gathered there, and I had much freedom in presenting to them Christ as the great Healer and wonderful Teacher. All listened with interest. By this means I can reach a class who will not come to any hall or meetinghouse. We have good singing.—Letter 74, 1899. (Ev 427.3) MC VC
A Great Work Called for in New Zealand—We see a great work to be done in this field, and long to have facilities to work with. I will speak of Wellington. It is a place where churches are abundant and [there are] plenty of ministers....This is the capital and great center of New Zealand. A mission should be established here. A church, if ever so humble, should be erected.—Letter 9a, 1893. (Ev 427.4) MC VC
Cities of Europe, Australia, and Regions Beyond—There is means now tied up that should be in use for the unworked cities in Europe, Australia, and America, and in the regions beyond. These cities have been neglected for years. The angels of God are waiting for us to give our labors for their inhabitants. From town to town, from city to city, from country to country, the warning message is to be proclaimed, not with outward display, but in the power of the Spirit, by men of faith.—Manuscript 11, 1908. (Ev 428.1) MC VC