CW 107
(Counsels to Writers and Editors 107)
Too Many Common Articles—We see with pain some of the columns of the Review filled with common matter, that may be found in almost any religious paper. Brother ----- is doing all that he can, and he should not be so heavily taxed. God is cooperating with him. He needs the co-operation of his brethren. He has responsibilities to bear that they have not. (CW 107.1) MC VC
We need just now articles from the pens of our most experienced brethren,—the best articles that they can produce. If enough of these articles are sent in for publication, there will be less room for common articles, which do not give any instruction regarding our faith. Some of our ministering brethren are doing enough work for two, but they are not working directly to the point. Deep, studied articles, which require considerable time for preparation, will be too late for the present need. (CW 107.2) MC VC
Working as Christ Worked—We may do much in a short time if we will work as Christ worked. We may reflect with profit upon His manner of teaching. He sought to meet the minds of the common people. His style was plain, simple, comprehensive. He took His illustrations from the scenes with which His hearers were most familiar. By the things of nature He illustrated truths of eternal importance, thus connecting heaven and earth. (CW 107.3) MC VC