2SG 97-8, 149
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 97-8, 149)
The next morning we reached New York City, and called upon Bro. Moody who was then living. We there met Brn. Bates and Gurney. My cough increased. I knew I must have relief, or sink beneath disease. I had not had a good night’s rest for weeks. I followed the direction given in James 5, and asked the brethren to pray for me. They prayed earnestly to God for me. But as often as I attempted to pray, was broken off by severe coughing. I relied upon the promise of God—“Ask and ye shall receive.” I tried to tell those present that I believed, but severe coughing prevented my speaking. I retired to rest trusting in the Lord. I commenced coughing as usual, but soon fell asleep, and did not awake till daylight. I then awoke with gratitude in my heart, and the praise of God on my lips. I felt the blessing of heaven resting upon me. My cough was gone. In the morning my friends noticed a pimple on my face, which increased and spread, and did not leave me for several years. I was not troubled again with a cough on that journey. (2SG 97.1) MC VC
Our first conference was at Volney in Bro. Arnold’s barn. There were about thirty-five present, all that could be collected in that part of the State. There were hardly two agreed. Each was strenuous for his views, declaring that they were according to the Bible. All were anxious for an opportunity to advance their sentiments, or to preach to us. They were told that we had not come so great a distance to hear them, but had come to teach them the truth. Bro. Arnold held that the 1000 years of Revelation 20 were in the past; and that the 144,000 were those raised at Christ’s resurrection. And as we had the emblem of our dying Lord before us, and was about to commemorate his sufferings, Bro. A. arose and said he had no faith in what we were about to do; that the Sacrament was a continuation of the Passover, to be observed but once a year. (2SG 97.2) MC VC
These strange differences of opinion rolled a heavy weight upon me, especially as Bro. A. spoke of the 1000 years being in the past. I knew that he was in error, and great grief pressed my spirits; for it seemed to me that God was dishonored. I fainted under the burden. Brethren Bates, Chamberlain, Gurney, Edson, and my husband, prayed for me. Some feared I was dying. But the Lord heard the prayers of his servants, and I revived. The light of Heaven rested upon me. I was soon lost to earthly things. My accompanying angel presented before me some of the errors of those present, and also the truth in contrast with their errors. That these discordant views, which they claimed to be according to the Bible, were only according to their opinion of the Bible, and that their errors must be yielded, and they unite upon the third angel’s message. Our meeting ended victoriously. Truth gained the victory. (2SG 98.1) MC VC
The brother referred to in Massachusetts, was convinced that he was wrong, and wrote an humble acknowledgement which melted us to tears. But he was not satisfied to confess with pen and ink, but came all the way to Paris, Me., to see us, and the breach was healed, and our hearts were more firmly united than ever. He had been influenced by one in whom he had the utmost confidence. (2SG 149.1) MC VC
We soon received urgent invitations to attend conferences in different States, and decided to go. Here is an extract of a letter to Bro. Howland’s family concerning the journey: (2SG 149.2) MC VC
“I will give you a brief account of ourselves from the time we left you at Topsham. When we arrived at Boston, my husband put me in a hack on account of the baggage, while he walked to save his fare. We arrived at meeting time, and found brethren and sisters collected. We had a good meeting. The next morning we took the cars for Connecticut, and arrived at Bro. B.’s about three o’clock P. M. Our meeting commenced Sabbath. Brethren and sisters from different towns were present, and we had a profitable meeting, and trust our efforts will be blessed to the church. The next Monday took the cars for Oswego, arrived there the next day about noon, visited Bro. and Sr. Arnold in Volney, and the next day in company with brethren and sisters, went on our way to Camden. There were about eighty present, six from Michigan. (2SG 149.3) MC VC