CW 105
(Counsels to Writers and Editors 105)
Chapter 13—Our Church Paper VC
Every Article to Reflect Light—I am instructed to say to those who edit our denominational papers that they are to print all the matter possible dealing with the affirmative side of Bible truth. They are to give the trumpet a certain sound. Let every article that is printed in the Review and Herald be of a character that will reflect light amid the moral darkness of this world. Every column is to be filled with the precious truth. (CW 105.1) MC VC
Let not our brethren make use of the precious space in our denominational paper, to record incidents connected with the life of President -----, or his daughter, or any other members of his family. Such items of news will enlighten no one in regard to what is the truth. (CW 105.2) MC VC
Some of the articles, even those treating upon Bible subjects, should be made shorter.—Manuscript 106, 1905. (CW 105.3) MC VC
Controversial Questions Not to Appear—I am instructed to say to you, Let there be no questions agitated at this time in the Review that will tend to unsettle minds. Let us seek for soul work. Let us as a people humble ourselves before the Lord, and seek Him for true conversion. There is a work to be done in our hearts and in our homes, that but few understand. There is need of much praying, not need of long prayers, but prayers of faith offered in humility of soul. (CW 105.4) MC VC