MM 41
(Medical Ministry 41)
Take Time to Commune With God VC
The physician who is truly converted will not gather to himself responsibilities which interfere with his work for souls. It is a mistake to lay upon the Christian physician, whom God has appointed to represent Him in His own way, so many responsibilities that he has no time to commune with God by reading His word and by prayer. Christ declares, “Without Me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5. How, then, can a medical missionary engage successfully in his important work without earnestly seeking the Lord in prayer? Prayer and a study of the word bring life and health to the believing worker.— Manuscript 159, 1899. (MM 41.1) MC VC
To a Young Physician Under Discouragement VC
My heart is drawn out toward you. The Lord has not left you. He is a God of tender compassion and wonderful loving-kindness, and He does not desire you to walk in darkness. You need not cast yourself away; for the Lord says, “His life need not be a failure. I will make him Mine. I will show him that I prize his soul. I will strive with him, and lift him up. He must not perish. I have a special work for him to do. If he will unite with Me, believe in Me, and work for Me, his weakest points of character, notwithstanding his past failures, will become his strongest points.” (MM 41.2) MC VC
Do not keep your mind fixed on the defective example of professing Christians. You will, of course, see in their lives things that are not right. But if you keep looking at their faults, you will become like them. Instead of looking at the lives of your fellowmen, look to Jesus. There you will see no imperfection, but perfection, righteousness, goodness, mercy, and truth. Take the Saviour as your example in all things. It is in looking to men instead of beholding Christ that you have made your great mistake. (MM 41.3) MC VC