2SM 84
(Selected Messages Book 2 84)
Satan has succeeded in making you think that you are selected by God to act a special part as a representative man in connection with the third angel’s message, as it goes forth with power. But you are not right with God, and God cannot administer to error. You make the most of the errors you see in the responsible men of the church, and make capital of the reproofs given them, because these men do not harmonize with you, or regard as correct the religious experience which you hold as superior to the light God has let shine upon the church. Who placed you on the judgment seat, to condemn others?—Not God, but yourself.... (2SM 84.1) MC VC
The words you have spoken in condemnation of your brethren, have not been few. It seems to be your meat and drink to condemn. Your spiritual experience is composed of that which you give it to feed upon. You also love to present your false ideas before your family, and before anyone who will hear you. Can you be surprised, then, that the unholy leaven has worked? You may call this blasphemy, if you will, but it is what the Lord has shown me. Anna’s visions come in to confirm you in your wrong views. You are deceiving and being deceived. Satan has so arranged matters that you have barricaded your soul with falsehood.—Letter 12, 1890. (2SM 84.2) MC VC
There Will Always be False and Fanatical Movements VC
There will always be false and fanatical movements made by persons in the church who claim to be led of God—those who will run before they are sent, and will give day and date for the occurrence of unfulfilled prophecy. The enemy is pleased to have them do this, for their successive failures and leading into false lines cause confusion and unbelief.—Letter 28, 1897. (2SM 84.3) MC VC