MM 171
(Medical Ministry 171)
To an Inexperienced Manager VC
You are to always place yourself in the position of the one with whom you deal, and see how you would feel under similar circumstances; then act as you would have others act toward you, that no shadow may be cast upon the precious cause of truth. It must not be reproached for the sake of gaining a few dollars or cents. Let no occasion ever be given for anyone to say that Seventh-day Adventists ever will do mean actions. Contempt will be what they will reap. Let all our business transactions stand in a pure, untarnished light before the world and with those of our faith. Do not let your course of action be of that character that it requires explanations in order to make it appear anyway in a favorable light. (MM 171.1) MC VC
Let all see this institution standing as an institution to promote the happiness and well-being of our fellowmen. Better, far better, to submit to some inconvenience and losses than to become mercenary and create angry feelings, and leave the unhappy impression on the minds that they have been taken advantage of and cheated, and they go away hostile to the institution. The principles and morals of the institution must ever be governed in all relations, to believers and unbelievers, with generous, well-defined principles of nobility and consideration, especially toward those who are suffering affliction.—Letter 26, 1888. (MM 171.2) MC VC
Consideration for an Injured Worker VC
When one of your number is injured at his work, as was the case some time ago, deal with him as you would like to be dealt with under similar circumstances. Show Christlike sympathy. This is God’s way of dealing. Anything short of this is not true justice or nobility. (MM 171.3) MC VC
Special care should have been shown in dealing with the one hurt; for he was an unbeliever. You have reason to thank your heavenly Father that his life was spared. (MM 171.4) MC VC
If the one injured has to be taken to the sanitarium, the charge made for his treatment should be light, if any charge at all is made. And let it also be considered if justice does not require that his wages be paid during the time that he is away from his work because of the accident. (MM 171.5) MC VC