Ev 488-9
(Evangelism 488-9)
We may be cheerful. God does not want any sour faces on this ground; the Lord does not want anyone in gloom and sadness; He wants you to lift up your countenance to Him, and let Him just pour upon it the brightness of the light of the Sun of Righteousness.—Manuscript 42, 1894. (Ev 488.1) MC VC
Christ Taught With Authority—While His teaching was simple, He spoke as one having authority. This characteristic set His teaching in contrast with that of all others. The rabbis spoke with doubt and hesitancy, as if the Scriptures might be interpreted to mean one thing or exactly the opposite. The hearers were daily involved in greater uncertainty. But Jesus taught the Scriptures as of unquestionable authority. Whatever His subject, it was presented with power, as if His words could not be controverted.—The Desire of Ages, 253 (1898). (Ev 488.2) MC VC
Desire to Save Sinners—The same intensity of desire to save sinners that marked the life of the Saviour marks the life of His true follower.—Testimonies For The Church 7:10 (1902). (Ev 488.3) MC VC
Impelling Power—The prompt, unquestioning obedience of these men, with no promise of wages, seems remarkable; but the words of Christ were an invitation that carried with it an impelling power.—Gospel Workers, 24 (1915). (Ev 488.4) MC VC
Results of Bible Work VC
Angels Close to Worker—As the worker seeks to give to others the light God has given him, the Lord imparts increased light; and doing his best, with an eye single to the glory of God, he realizes the value of souls. As he visits from house to house, opening the Scriptures to those whose understanding is darkened, angels of God will be close beside him to impress the heart of the one who is athirst for the water of life.—The Review and Herald, October 6, 1896. (Ev 488.5) MC VC
Lord Works With Bible Instructors—Let strong reasons for our faith be presented from the Word of God, and let the truth in its sanctifying power melt its way to the hearts and minds of those who are under conviction. As the helpers give Bible readings in the homes of the people, the Lord just as surely works on minds as He does in the public services.—Letter 160, 1901. (Ev 489.1) MC VC
Miracles Wrought Through the Word—There will constantly be a struggle in order to gain access to the hearts of the ignorant and wicked. But do we individually try as earnestly and faithfully by personal effort as we should? Do we not hold ourselves too much aloof from the poor souls dead in trespasses and sins? Can we not, every one of us, arm ourselves with the intense earnestness of Christ, and do more? (Ev 489.2) MC VC
I fear that there is not that faith that is essential. Shall we not brace ourselves against disappointments and temptations to be discouraged? God is merciful, and with the truth rejoicing, purifying, ennobling the life, we can do a sound and solid work for God. Prayer and faith will do wonderful things. The Word must be our weapon of warfare. Miracles can be wrought through the Word; for it is profitable for all things.—Letter 75, 1896. (Ev 489.3) MC VC
The Worth of a Soul—The soul that has given himself to Christ is more precious in His sight than the whole world.—The Desire of Ages, 480 (1898). (Ev 489.4) MC VC
If but one soul would have accepted the gospel of His grace, Christ would, to save that one, have chosen His life of toil and humiliation and His death of shame.—The Ministry of Healing, 135 (1905). (Ev 489.5) MC VC