Ev 470
(Evangelism 470)
Bible Studies by Men of Spiritual Understanding—Hearts have been impressed, and souls converted, as you have presented the grand, testing truths of the Bible, the truths of the grace of Christ. There should now be connected with you in your labors, men of spiritual understanding, who will co-operate with you, who will in the daytime conduct Bible studies with the new converts, telling them how to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit, that these souls may be fully and firmly established in the truth. They need personal instruction upon many matters.—Letter 376, 1906. (Ev 470.1) MC VC
Training Men and Women for Bible Work—Elder and Mrs. Haskell were conducting Bible studies in the forenoons, and in the afternoons the workers in training were going out and visiting from house to house. These missionary visits, and the sale of many books and periodicals, opened the way for the holding of Bible readings. About forty men and women were attending the morning classes, and a goodly number of these students engaged in the afternoon work.—The Review and Herald, November 29, 1906. (Ev 470.2) MC VC
The Gospel Visitor VC
Both Bible Instructors and Visitors—There are those who have some experience who should, with every effort they make in dying churches as well as in new places, select young men or men of mature age to assist in the work. Thus they will be obtaining knowledge by interesting themselves in personal effort, and scores of helpers will be fitting for usefulness as Bible readers, as canvassers, and as visitors in the families.—Letter 34, 1886. (Ev 470.3) MC VC