Ev 135
(Evangelism 135)
Men Like John Chosen Today—To fill a high place before men, Heaven chooses the worker who, like John the Baptist, takes a lowly place before God. The most childlike disciple is the most efficient in labor for God. The heavenly intelligences can co-operate with him who is seeking, not to exalt self, but to save souls.—The Desire of Ages, 436 (1898). (Ev 135.1) MC VC
Work Marred by Self-glorification—There is no religion in the enthronement of self. He who makes self-glorification his aim, will find himself destitute of that grace which alone can make him efficient in Christ’s service. Whenever pride and self-complacency are indulged, the work is marred.—Christ’s Object Lessons, 402 (1900). (Ev 135.2) MC VC
The True Measure of a Man—Christian worth does not depend on brilliant talents, lofty birth, wonderful powers, but on a clean heart—a heart purified and refined, that does not exalt self, but, by beholding Christ, reflects the long lost image of divinity.—Letter 16, 1902. (Ev 135.3) MC VC
Jesus Only—Resolutely refusing to display human wisdom or to exalt self, they [God’s ministers] will accomplish a work that will withstand the assaults of Satan. Many souls will be turned from darkness to light, and many churches will be established. Men will be converted, not to the human instrumentality, but to Christ. Self will be kept in the background; Jesus only, the Man of Calvary, will appear.—The Acts of the Apostles, 278 (1911). (Ev 135.4) MC VC