2T 711
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 711)
Much of the labor which has been spent in Maine has been for Seventh-day Adventist ministers, to bring them into a right position. It has required hard labor to counteract the influence which they exerted while opposing the counsel of God against their own souls and standing in the way of sinners. They would not enter in themselves, and them that would, they hindered by precept and example. A mistake has been made in entering fields where there are Adventists who do not as a general thing feel any necessity of being helped, but who think themselves in a good condition and able to teach others. The laborers are few, and their strength must be spent to the best possible advantage. Much more can be done in the State of Maine, as a general thing, where there is not one Adventist. New fields should be entered; and the time that has hitherto been spent in wearing labor for Adventists who have no wish to learn should be devoted to these new fields, to going out into the highways and hedges, and working for the conversion of unbelievers. If Adventists will come and hear, let them come. Leave the way open for them to come if they choose. (2T 711.1) MC VC