TMK 309.5
(That I May Know Him 309.5)
You are a spectacle unto the world, to angels, and to men. Be brave in God. Put on the whole armor of God and let your unbelieving father [From a letter to a youth whose father was an unbeliever.] see that your life is not spoiled because you stand loyal and true to all the commandments of God as a Seventh-day Adventist. You can be, and God requires you to be, a decided witness for Him.... Do not work at all on Satan’s side of the question. Probationary time is precious. Make the most of the golden moments, putting to use the talents God has given, that you may accumulate something for the Master and be a blessing to all around you. Let the heavenly angels look down with joy upon you because you are loyal and true to Jesus Christ. (TMK 309.5) MC VC