Ev 217
(Evangelism 217)
Section 8—Preaching the Distinctive Truths (Ev 217) MC VC
Heralding the Second Advent VC
Rouse People to Preparation—We are living in the close of this earth’s history.... Prophecy is fulfilling. Soon Christ will come with power and great glory. We have no time to lose. Let the message sound forth in earnest words of warning. (Ev 217.1) MC VC
We must persuade men everywhere to repent and flee from the wrath to come. They have souls to save or to lose. Let there be no indifference in this matter. The Lord calls for workers who are filled with an earnest, decided purpose. Tell the people to be instant in season and out of season. With the words of life upon your lips go forth to tell men and women that the end of all things is at hand. (Ev 217.2) MC VC
Let us keep our souls in the love of God. The note of warning must be given. The truth must not languish upon our lips. We must rouse people to immediate preparation, for we little know what is before us. My faith is as strong as ever that we are living in the last remnant of time. Let every teacher present an open door before all who will come to Jesus, repenting of their sins.—Letter 105, 1903. (Ev 217.3) MC VC
Proclaim It in Every Land—I have been instructed to trace words of warning for our brethren and sisters who are in danger of losing sight of the special work for this time.... In every land we are to herald the second coming of Christ, in the language of the revelator proclaiming: “Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him.”(Revelation 1:7)—Testimonies For The Church 8:116 (1904). (Ev 217.4) MC VC