GW 151
(Gospel Workers 1915 151)
No one can tell what is lost by attempting to preach without the unction of the Holy Spirit. In every congregation there are souls who are hesitating, almost decided to be wholly for God. Decisions are being made; but too often the minister has not the spirit and power of the message, and no direct appeals are made to those who are trembling in the balance. (GW 151.1) MC VC
In this age of moral darkness, it will take something more than dry theory to move souls. Ministers must have a living connection with God. They must preach as if they believe what they say. Living truths, falling from the lips of the man of God, will cause sinners to tremble, and the convicted to cry out, “Jehovah is my God; I am resolved to be wholly on the Lord’s side.” (GW 151.2) MC VC
Never should the messenger of God cease his strivings for greater light and power. He should toil on, pray on, hope on, amid discouragement and darkness, determined to gain a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures and to come behind in no gift. As long as there is one soul to be benefited, he should press forward with new courage at every effort. So long as Jesus has said, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee,” Hebrews 13:5. so long as the crown of righteousness is offered to the overcomer, so long as our Advocate pleads in the sinner’s behalf, ministers of Christ should labor with hopeful, tireless energy and persevering faith. (GW 151.3) MC VC