Ev 60, 79
(Evangelism 60, 79)
A Challenge to the Leaders—I ask those who have charge of our work: Why are so many places passed by? Look upon the towns and cities yet unworked. There are many large cities in America, not only in the South, but in the North, yet to be worked. In every city in America there should be some memorial for God. But I could mention many places where the light of truth has not yet shone. The angels of heaven are waiting for human instrumentalities to enter the places where witness has not yet been borne to present truth.—The Review and Herald, December 30, 1902. (Ev 60.1) MC VC
Clear New Ground—Establish New Centers—Prepare workers to go out in the highways and hedges. We need wise nurserymen who will transplant trees to different localities and give them advantages, that they may grow. It is the positive duty of God’s people to go into the regions beyond. Let forces be set at work to clear new ground, to establish new centers of influence wherever an opening can be found.—Manuscript 11, 1908. (Ev 60.2) MC VC
Reach Beyond the Gospel-hardened Centers—Let us remember that as a people entrusted with sacred truth, we have been neglectful and positively unfaithful. The work has been confined to a few centers, until the people in them have become gospel hardened. It is difficult to make an impression on those who have heard so much truth and yet have rejected it. In a few places too much has been expended, while many, many cities have been left unwarned and unworked. (Ev 60.3) MC VC
Reaching the Unwarned Sections of Our Cities—There is to be an increased force of working agencies in every part of the field. Let the laborers go out two and two, that they may work together in the many parts of our cities that have been left unwarned for a long time.—Letter 8, 1910. (Ev 79.1) MC VC
Every Part to Be Worked—Let a band of workers go to a city and work earnestly to proclaim the truth in every part of it. Let them counsel together as to the best way of carrying on the work in the most inexpensive manner. They are to do thorough work and are ever to keep the spiritual phase of their effort uppermost.—Manuscript 42, 1905. (Ev 79.2) MC VC
Tents Repitched to Reach Various Sections of City—Much wiser generalship should be shown in the location of camp meetings; they should not be held in out-of-the-way places, for in the cities there are people who need the truth. Camp meetings are to be held in places from which the people of our large cities can be reached.... (Ev 79.3) MC VC
Camp meetings must be held in or near the cities, the workers at one time pitching the tent in one part of the city and the next time in another part. Right at our doors there are heathen who need to hear the warning message. In the large cities of America memorials for God are to be established.—Letter 164, 1901. (Ev 79.4) MC VC
Planning for a Permanent Work VC
[See also pp. 321-326, “Binding Off Thoroughly.”] (Ev 79) MC VC
Surface Plowing—A Limited Harvest—We are in danger of spreading over more territory and starting more enterprises than we can possibly attend to properly, and they will become a wearing burden in absorbing means. There is danger to be guarded against of overdoing some branches of the work and leaving some important parts of the Lord’s vineyard to be neglected. To undertake and plan a large amount of work and do nothing perfectly, would be a bad plan. We are to move forward, but only in the counsel of God. We must not get so far above the simplicity of the work we lose our spiritual perception and it will be impossible to look after the many accumulated lines of work and enterprises entered into without sacrificing our best helpers to keep things in order. Life and health must be regarded. (Ev 79.5) MC VC