VSS 342.0
(The Voice in Speech and Song 342.0)
Obedience to Parents and to God—Teach the youth that sin in any line is defined in the Scriptures as “transgression of the law.” 1 John 3:4 ∙∙∙ . Teach them in simple language that they must be obedient to their parents and give their hearts to God.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 169. (VSS 342.1) MC VC
Spiritual Malaria—Unruly, debasing tendencies and passions cannot reign in the heart controlled by the Spirit of Christ. There are many who have never submitted their will and way fully without any reserve to Jesus Christ. (VSS 342.2) MC VC
There need to be far more lessons in the ministry of the Word of true conversion than of the arguments of the doctrines. For it is far easier and more natural for the heart that is not under the control of the Spirit of Christ to choose doctrinal subjects rather than the practical. There are many Christless discourses given no more acceptable to God than was the offering of Cain. They are not in harmony with God. (VSS 342.3) MC VC