CS 304
(Counsels on Stewardship 304)
We can every one of us do something, if we will only take the position that God would have us. Every move that you make to enlighten others, brings you nearer in harmony with the God of heaven. If you sit down and look at yourself and say, “I can barely support my family,” you will never do anything; but if you say, “I will do something for the truth, I will see it advance, I will do what I can,” God will open ways so that you can do something. You should invest in the cause of truth so that you will feel that you are a part of it. (CS 304.1) MC VC
God does not require of the man to whom He has given one talent, the interest of ten. Remember that it was the man who had one talent that wrapped it in a napkin and hid it in the earth. You should use the talent, influence, and means which God has given you that you may act a part in this work.—The Review and Herald, July 8, 1890. (CS 304.2) MC VC