MM 255
(Medical Ministry 255)
An Enlarged Experience VC
Again my mind is exercised much in regard to our behavior and formation of character in this life. Professedly we have taken our stand on the Lord’s side, to represent in this evil generation the close relationship that Christians enjoy with God, and with Jesus Christ whom He hath sent. It is certainly our privilege to enlarge our experience, to deepen our consecration, and to come into closer contact with our heavenly Father, bringing our will and way into conformity with His will and way. (MM 255.1) MC VC
My prayer this morning is most earnest and importunate, that in the Christian warfare we shall not fail nor be discouraged. “There is light above,” a Voice says to me, and in response I withdraw my eyes from the earthly and the discouraging and look to the heavenly, praying earnestly that God’s people may more distinctly and forcibly realize the dignity that our heavenly Father has conferred upon us in calling us to represent before the world, in sinful flesh, His goodness and mercy. Upon us, as well as upon the unthankful and the unholy, He pours unnumbered blessings. We are to express our thankfulness to Him that we are accepted as workers to cooperate with the Lord Jesus Christ. (MM 255.2) MC VC
Those who preach the word of the Lord must live that which they teach. If we receive the grace of God in the heart, we must reveal to others this grace in every word and act. Those who dwell upon the long-sufferance and mercy of Christ must practice His patience and forbearance, and never reveal a spirit of high-handed injustice toward their brethren or others. (MM 255.3) MC VC
Do Right Regardless of Results VC
Some will say, “How can we do this? We should be taken advantage of by the unprincipled and designing.” Remember that a disciple is to do the will of his master. We are not to reason in regard to results; for then we should be kept ever busy, and ever in uncertainty. We must take our stand to acknowledge fully the power and authority of God’s word, whether or not it agrees with our preconceived opinions. We have a perfect Guidebook. The Lord has spoken to us; and whatever may be the consequences, we are to receive His word and practice it in daily life, else we shall be choosing our own version of duty and shall be doing exactly the opposite of that which our heavenly Father has appointed us to do. (MM 255.4) MC VC