LS 155-6
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 155-6)
August 29, 1854, another responsibility was added to our family in the birth of Willie. He took my mind somewhat from the troubles around me. About this time the first number of the paper falsely called the Messenger of Truth was received. Those who slandered us through that paper had been reproved for their faults and errors. They would not bear reproof, and in a secret manner at first, afterward more openly, used their influence against us. (LS 155.1) MC VC
The Lord had shown me the character and final come-out of the party; that His frown was upon those connected with that paper, and His hand was against them, and although they might appear to prosper for a time, and some honest ones be deceived, yet truth would eventually triumph, and every honest soul would break away from the deception which had held them, and come out clear from the influence of these wicked men; as God’s hand was against them, they must go down. (LS 155.2) MC VC
Death of Anna White VC
Sister Anna continued to fail. Her father and mother and her older sister came from Maine to visit her in her affliction. Anna was calm and cheerful. She had much desired this interview with her parents and sister. She bade them farewell, as they left to return to Maine, to meet them no more until God shall call forth His faithful ones to health and immortality. (LS 155.3) MC VC
In the last days of her sickness, with her own trembling hands she arranged her things, leaving them in perfect order, and disposing of them according to her mind. She expressed a great desire that her parents should embrace the Sabbath, and live near us. “If I thought this would ever be,” she said, “I could die perfectly satisfied.” (LS 156.1) MC VC
The last office performed by her emaciated, trembling hand, was to trace a few lines to her parents. And did not God regard her last wishes and prayers for her parents? In less that two years, Father and Mother White were keeping the Bible Sabbath, happily situated within less than one hundred feet from our door. (LS 156.2) MC VC
We would have kept Anna with us; but we were obliged to close her eyes in death, and lay her away to rest. Long had she cherished a hope in Jesus, and she looked forward with pleasing anticipation to the morning of the resurrection. We laid her beside dear Nathaniel in Mount Hope Cemetery. (LS 156.3) MC VC