MM 168
(Medical Ministry 168)
God’s Way is Best VC
God looks not upon outward display, but upon the heart. Well-advised movements must be made. Nothing must be invested extravagantly. It is not because we desire to exalt ourselves that we are seeking to build up a sanitarium, but because we desire to honor God and properly represent the truth, which has been misrepresented. In this institution our peculiar religious principles are to be magnified and exalted. Never are they to be hidden. (MM 168.1) MC VC
The Lord’s way is always the best way. We are safe while we follow Him who says, “Learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart.” Matthew 11:29. If Christ, the Majesty of heaven, is meek and lowly, how much more ought we to be, who are under sentence of death for disobedience. The influence of our physicians in the sanitarium should be such as to encourage meekness and lowliness. Men are not be exalted as great and wonderful. It is God who is to be magnified.—Letter 51, 1900. (MM 168.2) MC VC
The Ministry of Trials VC
In Christian experience, the Lord permits trials of various kinds to call men and women to a higher order of living and to a more sanctified service. Without these trials there would be a continual falling away from the likeness of Christ, and men would become imbued with a spirit of scientific, fanciful, human philosophy, which would lead them to unite with Satan’s followers. (MM 168.3) MC VC
In the providence of God every good and great enterprise is subjected to trials, to test the purity and the strength of the principles of those who are standing in positions of responsibility and to mold and substantiate the individual human character after God’s model. This is the highest order of education. (MM 168.4) MC VC
Perfection of character is attained through exercise of the faculties of the mind, in times of supreme test, by obedience to every requirement of God′s law. Men in positions of trust are to be instrumentalities in the hands of God for promoting His glory; and in performing their duties with the utmost faithfulness they may attain perfection of character.— Manuscript 85, 1906. (MM 168.5) MC VC