Te 248
(Temperance 248)
Patients Will Lose Feeling of Need for Stimulants and Narcotics—In our medical institutions clear instruction should be given in regard to temperance. The patients should be shown the evil of intoxicating liquor, and the blessing of total abstinence. They should be asked to discard the things that have ruined their health, and the place of these things should be supplied with an abundance of fruit.... (Te 248.1) MC VC
And as the sick are led to put forth physical effort, the wearied brain and nerves will find relief, and pure water and wholesome, palatable food will build them up and strengthen them. They will feel no need for health-destroying drugs or intoxicating drink.—Letter 145, 1904. (Te 248.2) MC VC
In Connection With Hygienic Restaurants—Hygienic restaurants are to be established in the cities, and by them the message of temperance is to be proclaimed. Arrangements should be made to hold meetings in connection with our restaurants. Whenever possible, let a room be provided where the patrons can be invited to lectures on the science of health and Christian temperance, where they can receive instruction on the preparation of wholesome food and on other important subjects. In these meetings there should be prayer and singing and talks, not only on health and temperance topics, but also on other appropriate Bible subjects. As the people are taught how to preserve physical health, many opportunities will be found to sow the seeds of the gospel of the kingdom.—Testimonies for the Church 7:115. (Te 248.3) MC VC
Chapter 5—The Influence of the Pen VC
Temperance Literature—We have a work to do along temperance lines besides that of speaking in public. We must present our principles in pamphlets and in our papers.—Gospel Workers, 385. (Te 248.4) MC VC