PM 224.1
(The Publishing Ministry 224.1)
Danger in Changing Sacred Principles—There are men in positions of trust who have not had an experience in the leading out of this work, and these men should walk with humility and caution. In the night season I was present in several councils, and there I heard words repeated by influential men to the effect that if the American Sentinel [religious liberty publication that was suspended in 1904 and then superseded by Liberty in 1906. See Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 309-330.] would drop the words “Seventh-day Adventist” from its columns and would say nothing about the Sabbath, the great men of the world would patronize it; it would become popular and do a larger work. This looked very pleasing. These men could not see why we could not affiliate with unbelievers and nonprofessors to make the American Sentinel a great success. I saw their countenances brighten, and they began to work on a policy to make the Sentinel a popular success. (PM 224.1) MC VC