LS 421
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 421)
Strife among the Nations VC
Mrs. White solemnly charged the brethren who had come to the meeting as representatives of the cause of present truth from every part of Europe, from Asia, Africa, South America, Australasia, and the islands of the sea, to prepare their hearts for terrible scenes of strife and oppression beyond anything they had conceived of, soon to be witnessed among the nations of earth. “Very soon,” she declared, “the strife and oppression of foreign nations will break forth with an intensity that you do not now anticipate. You need to realize the importance of becoming acquainted with God in prayer. When you have the assurance that He hears you, you will be cheerful in tribulation; you will rise above despondency, because you experience the quickening influence of the power of God in your hearts. What we need is the truth. Nothing can take the place of this,—the sacred, solemn truth that is to enable us to stand the test of trial, even as Christ endured.” —The General Conference Bulletin, May 21, 1909. (LS 421.1) MC VC
And in the farewell service marking the close of the Conference, she once more appealed to the delegates assembled from all parts of the world, to endure as beholding the Invisible. She exhorted every worker to go forth in the strength of the Mighty One of Israel. She declared that while she might never have the privilege of meeting her brethren in another Conference like this one, yet she would pray for them, and prepare to meet them all in the kingdom of glory. (LS 421.2) MC VC