3T 408
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 408)
We feel anguish of spirit because some gifts are lost to us that we might now have if we had only been awake. Laborers have been kept back from the whitening harvest. It becomes the people of God to humble their hearts before Him, and in the deepest humiliation to pray the Lord to pardon our apathy and selfish indulgence, and to blot out the shameful record of duties neglected and privileges unimproved. In contemplation of the cross of Calvary the true Christian will abandon the thought of restricting his offerings to that which costs him nothing and will hear in trumpet tones: (3T 408.1) MC VC
Go, labor in My vineyard; (3T 408.2) MC VC
There’s resting by and by. (3T 408.3) MC VC
When Jesus was about to ascend on high, He pointed to the harvest fields and said to His followers: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel.”(Mark 16:15) “Freely ye have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8. Shall we deny self that the wasting harvest may be gathered? (3T 408.4) MC VC
God calls for talents of influence and of means. Shall we refuse to obey? Our heavenly Father bestows gifts and solicits a portion back, that He may test us whether we are worthy to have the gift of everlasting life. (3T 408.5) MC VC
Chapter 34—Systematic Benevolence VC
Should all whom God has prospered with earth’s riches carry out His plan by faithfully giving a tenth of all their increase, and should they not withhold their trespass offerings and their thank offerings, the treasury would be constantly replenished. The simplicity of the plan of systematic benevolence does not detract from its merits, but extols the wisdom of God in its arrangement. Everything bearing the divine stamp unites simplicity with utility. If systematic benevolence were universally adopted according to God’s plan, and the tithing system carried out as faithfully by the wealthy as it is by the poorer classes, there would be no need of repeated and urgent calls for means at our large religious gatherings. There has been a neglect in the churches of keeping up the plan of systematic benevolence, and the result has been an impoverished treasury and a backslidden church. (3T 408.6) MC VC