2MCP 470.2
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 470.2)
Do Not Cross Bridges Before Time—Now we want to act like individuals who are redeemed by the blood of Christ; we are to rejoice in the blood of Christ and in the forgiveness of sins. That is what we are to do, and may God help us to get our minds off the dark pictures and think on those things that will give us light. Now I want to read another scripture, “Be careful for nothing” (Philippians 4:6). What does that mean?—Why, don’t cross a bridge before you get to it. Don’t make a time of trouble before it comes. You will get to it soon enough, brethren. We are to think of today, and if we do well the duties of today, we will be ready for the duties of tomorrow.—MS 7, 1888. (2MCP 470.2) MC VC