6T 477
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 6 477)
After we have, by sanctified energy and prayer, done all that we can do in the work for our schools, we shall see the glory of God. When the trial has been fully made, there will be a blessed result. (6T 477.1) MC VC
If it is made in a free, willing spirit, God will make the movement for the help of our schools a success. He will enable us to roll back the reproach that has come upon our educational institutions. If all will take hold of the work in the spirit of self-sacrifice for the sake of Christ and the truth, it will not be long before the jubilee song of freedom can be sung throughout our borders. (6T 477.2) MC VC
Be Not Weary in Well-Doing VC
I am glad that there has been such harmonious effort to carry out the purpose of God and to make the most of His providence. This effort to circulate Christ’s Object Lessons is demonstrating what can be done in the canvassing field. To ministers, students, fathers, mothers, young men, and young women who have engaged in this work I would say: Let not your interest flag. Let this good work go forward steadily, perseveringly, grandly, till the last debt is removed from all our schools and a fund is created for the establishment of schools in important fields, where there is great need of educational work. (6T 477.3) MC VC
As the ministers and Bible workers are called to other labors, let the members of our churches say to them: “Go forward with your appointed work, and we will continue to labor for the circulation of Christ’s Object Lessons and for the freedom of our schools.” Let no one feel that this work should stop with the special effort of 1900 and 1901. The field is never exhausted, and this book should be sold for the help of our schools for years to come. (6T 477.4) MC VC