PM 182.0
(The Publishing Ministry 182.0)
Obey When the Lord Says, “Move”—The Lord has opened this matter to me decidedly. The publishing work that has been carried on in Battle Creek should for the present be carried on near Washington. If after a time the Lord says, Move away from Washington, we are to move. We are pilgrims and strangers in this earth, seeking a better country, even a heavenly. When the Lord tells us to move, we are to obey, however inconvenient and inconsistent such a command may seem to us to be.—Letter 140, 1903. (PM 182.1) MC VC
Counsels After Pacific Press Fire [Because it often interfered with the production of denominational publications, the large amount of commercial work being done at the Pacific Press created a growing problem. Eventually, in response to Ellen G. White’s counsel, the board voted in 1902 to reduce the volume of commercial work. Since by this time the city of Oakland had grown up around the plant, the board also took action to seek a rural site for a new plant. This decision resulted in the removal to Mountain View, 38 miles south of San Francisco, in 1904. Here, on a five-acre lot donated by the city, a two-story brick building was erected, only to be severely damaged by the San Francisco earthquake on April 18, 1906. A new building of wood construction was hastily built with the help of a $20,000 loan from the General Conference, but this building was reduced to ashes on July 20 of the same year by a fire of unknown origin. Part of this loss was covered by insurance. The board decided to rebuild once more, and to do only denominational printing. Said C. H. Jones, “We have been admonished by the earthquake and the fire. Let us not need the wind, but listen to the still small voice pleading, ‘do My work only.’ This policy has been followed ever since.—SDAEN 1059.]—There is a work to be done now in Oakland and in San Francisco. Now is our golden opportunity to labor for these cities. Humble yourselves, pray much, and the Holy Spirit’s power will attend your labors. Our richest blessings will come to us as we see our need and walk humbly with God.... (PM 182.2) MC VC