Ev 412
(Evangelism 412)
Open-Air and Tent Meetings—I was requested to speak in regard to holding tent meetings in Europe. I told them according to the light the Lord had given me, tents could be used to good advantage in some places, and if conducted properly would result in great good. I did not know at this time why they called me out on this, but learned that it was because Brother _____ had previously spoken rather against tents being the best for meetinghouse purposes. (Ev 412.1) MC VC
I then presented my objections in regard to open-air meetings. It was very wearing to our ministers, because taxing to the vocal organs. The voice was strained to an unnatural pitch, and would be greatly injured by this method of labor. Another objection was that discipline and order could not be preserved; such labor would not encourage studious habits in diligently searching the Scriptures to bring from God’s storehouse things both new and old.—Letter 2, 1885. (Ev 412.2) MC VC
God Will Work Mightily—There is a great work to be done in Europe. It may seem to move slowly and hard at first; but God will work mightily through you if you will only make an entire surrender to Him. Much of the time you will have to walk by faith, not by feeling.—Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists, 128, 129 (1886). (Ev 412.3) MC VC