CT 102
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 102)
I told the principal and teachers that God had laid upon them the responsibility of watching for souls as they that must give account. I showed them that the wrong course pursued by some of the students would mislead other students, if it were continued, and for this God would hold the teachers responsible. Some students would attend school who had not been disciplined at home, and whose ideas of proper education and its value were perverted. If these were allowed to carry things in their way, the object for which the school was established would be defeated, and the sin would be charged against the guardians of the schools, as if they had committed it themselves. (CT 102.1) MC VC
God holds everyone responsible for the influence that surrounds his soul, on his own account and on the account of others. He calls upon young men and women to be strictly temperate, and conscientious in the use of their faculties of mind and body. Their capabilities can be properly developed only by the most diligent use of their opportunities and the wise appropriation of their powers to the glory of God and the benefit of their fellow men. (CT 102.2) MC VC