3SM 180.0
(Selected Messages Book 3 180.0)
Three Months After Minneapolis VC
When We Do Our Best—Thank God it is not too late for wrongs to be righted. Christ looks at the spirit, and when he sees us carrying our burden with faith, his perfect holiness atones for our shortcomings. When we do our best, he becomes our righteousness. It takes every ray of light that God sends to us to make us the light of the world.—Letter 22, 1889(Published inSelected Messages 1:368.). (3SM 180.1) MC VC
The Reception in the Field of the Message of Righteousness by Faith VC
Special meetings began at South Lancaster on Friday, January 11 [1889]. We were glad to find the church well filled with those who had come to receive benefit from the meetings. [This was among the first meetings in which Ellen White participated in presenting the message of righteousness by faith in the field subsequent to the Minneapolis Conference. Through 1889 she frequently led out in carrying the message to the churches. Some of her sermons were reported, as was the one at Ottawa, Kansas, on May 11. This typical sermon is published in Faith and Works, 63-79.] ... Delegates were present from maine, connecticut, massachusetts, and other states. We realized that there was a work to be done in setting things in order, which man’s best efforts could not accomplish without the aid of God. Our hearts were drawn out in earnest supplication to God that he would work in our behalf.... (3SM 180.2) MC VC
We felt burdened for those who had been bearing the message of truth to others, lest they should close their hearts to some of the precious rays of heaven’s light that God has sent them. Jesus rejoiced when his followers received his messages of truth.... (3SM 180.3) MC VC