3SM 101.0
(Selected Messages Book 3 101.0)
Then I commenced on Volume IV, but before I had my work finished, while preparing the health matter for the printers, I was called to go to Monterey. We went, and could not finish the work there as soon as we expected. I was obliged to return to finish the matter for the printers.... (3SM 101.1) MC VC
I had written almost constantly for above one year. I generally commenced writing at seven in the morning and continued until seven at night, and then left writing to read proof sheets. [Book publishing at this time was done somewhat in piecemeal. While the writing was in progress, the type was hand set and actual printing might commence before the last of the manuscript was completed. Thus writing and reading proof sheets could run at the same time.—Compilers.]—Manuscript 7, 1867. (3SM 101.2) MC VC
Author’s Preface Recognized Vision Source—In presenting this, my third little volume to the public, I am comforted with the conviction that the Lord has made me his humble instrument in shedding some rays of precious light upon the past. Sacred history, relating to holy men of old, is brief.... (3SM 101.3) MC VC
Since the great facts of faith, connected with the history of holy men of old, have been opened to me in vision; also, the important fact that God has nowhere lightly regarded the sin of the apostate, I have been more than ever convinced that ignorance as to these facts, and the wily advantage taken of this ignorance by some who know better, are the grand bulwarks of infidelity. If what I have written upon these points shall help any mind, let God be praised. (3SM 101.4) MC VC
When I commenced writing, I hope to bring all into this volume, but am obliged to close the history of the Hebrews, take up the cases of Saul, David, Solomon, and others, and treat upon the subject of health, in another volume. [Spiritual Gifts, Volume 4, was published in 1864. Enlargements of this initial presentation appeared in The Spirit Of Prophecy, vol. 1 (1870), and Patriarchs and Prophets (1890).—Compilers.]—Spiritual Gifts 3:5, 6 (E.G.W. Preface). (3SM 101.5) MC VC