PM 226.0
(The Publishing Ministry 226.0)
Great Need for Health Journals—The people are in sad need of the light shining from the pages of our health and temperance journals. God desires to use these journals as mediums through which flashes of light shall arrest the attention of the people, and cause them to heed the warning of the message of the third angel.... (PM 226.1) MC VC
Ministers can and should do much to urge the circulation of the health journals. Every member of the church should work as earnestly for these journals as for our other periodicals. There should be no friction between the two.... (PM 226.2) MC VC
The circulation of the health journals will be a powerful agency in preparing the people to accept those special truths that are to fit them for the soon coming of the Son of man.... (PM 226.3) MC VC
Health reform will reach a class and has reached a class that otherwise would never have been reached by the truth. There is a great necessity for labor being put forth to help the people, believers and unbelievers, at the present time by health talks, and health publications. I cannot see why the health books should not have a permanent place as well as the other publications notwithstanding human prejudices to the contrary.—Colporteur Ministry, 134. (PM 226.4) MC VC
Simple Articles in Health Journals—The minds of our California people are not advanced far enough in health reform to receive the most good from Good Health. [Good Health and Health Reformer were two early denominational health journals. See SDAEN 573. Today Your Life and Health has taken the field.] The crib is placed too high. You can, with the counsel of S and Dr. W, prepare articles that are already in print that are simple, yet full of knowledge, by perusing the back numbers of Health Reformer. I would today that the Good Health were more after the same order, for I think there is more simplicity and good religion in the Reformer, and matter that will benefit all classes and minds, than that contained in Good Health as a whole. (PM 226.5) MC VC