PM 146.5, 191.0
(The Publishing Ministry 146.5, 191.0)
It is not the Lord’s plan to centralize largely in any one place. The time has passed when there should be any binding about of the work and confining it to a few places. There are small printing plants to be established and recognized in the South and in other places not yet designated. (PM 146.5) MC VC
Publishing Work in Nashville—It was in accordance with God’s purpose that the publishing work was started in Nashville. In the Southern field there is need of a printing office for the publication of the truth for this time, and especially for printing reading matter suitable for the different classes of people in this field. And there is no city in the South better suited than Nashville for the carrying forward of publishing work. The establishing of such an institution is an advance movement. If rightly managed, this institution will give character to the work in the South and to many souls will be the means of imparting a knowledge of the truth. The Nashville publishing house will still need to be assisted for a time by gifts and offerings. (PM 191.1) MC VC
Sanitarium work also has been begun in Nashville.... (PM 191.2) MC VC
Slowly but surely the wheel of Providence is turning. We know not how soon our Lord will say: “It is done.” His coming is drawing nigh. Soon our opportunities for work will be forever past. Only a little while longer shall we be permitted to labor. My brethren, will you not strive with earnest effort to establish memorials for God throughout the Southern States? Churches should be raised up; houses of worship should be built; small schools and sanitariums should be established; and the publishing interests should be strengthened. (PM 191.3) MC VC
The lines of work to be established in different places in the South will need men and women of wisdom and prayer, men and women who will carry the work forward from stage to stage soundly, intelligently—toiling, praying, working economically, as laborers of God’s appointment. The situation calls for personal, untiring, united effort. (PM 191.4) MC VC
One brick upon another, and the
highest wall is made;
One flake upon another, and the
deepest snow is laid.—Testimonies for the Church 7:233-235.
(PM 191.5)
A Place of Access to Black Race—As a people we should take a special interest in the work at Nashville. At the present time this city is a point of great importance in the Southern field. Our brethren selected Nashville as a center for work in the South because the Lord in His wisdom directed them there. It is a favorable place in which to make a beginning. Our workers will find it easier to labor in this city for the colored race than in many other cities of the South. In this city much interest is taken in the colored people by those not of our faith. In and near the city are large educational institutions for the colored people. The influence of these institutions has prepared the way for us to make this city a center for our work. (PM 191.6) MC VC