Ev 296
(Evangelism 296)
Preaching for Decision—Cultivate earnestness and positiveness in addressing the people. Your subject matter may be excellent, and just what the people need, but you would do well to mingle a positiveness with persuasive entreaties.... (Ev 296.1) MC VC
Present the plain “Thus saith the Lord” with authority, and exalt the wisdom of God in the written Word. Bring the people to a decision; keep the voice of the Bible ever before them. Tell them you speak that which you do know, and testify that which is truth, because God has spoken it. Let your preaching be short and right to the point, and then at the proper time call for a decision. Do not present the truth in a formal manner, but let the heart be vitalized by the Spirit of God, and let your words be spoken with such certainty that those who hear may know that the truth is a reality to you.—Letter 8, 1895. (Ev 296.2) MC VC
Do Not Miss the Mark—Do not encourage the presentation of Scripture in any way to encourage vainglory in the one who shall open the Word to others. The work for this time is to bring students and workers to the place where they will deal with subjects in a serious, solemn, plain manner, that there may be no time uselessly employed in this great work. Do not miss the mark. Time is too short to reveal all that might be opened up to view; eternity will be required to know the length and breadth, the depth and height of the Scriptures. There are truths of more importance to some souls than others. Skill is needed in educating in Scriptural lines.—Manuscript 153, 1898. (Ev 296.3) MC VC
Continual Advancement—We must not think, “Well, we have all the truth, we understand the main pillars of our faith, and we may rest on this knowledge.” The truth is an advancing truth, and we must walk in the increasing light. (Ev 296.4) MC VC