1T 318, 430
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 318, 430)
We met your influence at -----. The division existing there would not have been had you taken a right position, and received the word of the Lord through His servants. But this you would not do. God’s servants had to deal plainly with your wrong course. Had they taken stronger ground, and been much more severe with the course you had pursued, God would have approved them. It would have been better had you remained entirely away from -----, for every time God’s servants exposed that fanaticism, the reproof hit Brother G, and you shrank, felt abused, neglected, etc. You pursued your blind course among different families in -----; you labored for sympathy, and created opposition of feeling against Brethren C, D, and E. You felt wrong, felt slighted; you talked and acted out your feelings, and thus created jealousy and distrust in many minds in regard to God’s servants whom He had especially sent to you. Your course destroyed the force of their testimony on some minds; but some felt thankful that light had come, and that Satan’s snare was broken, and they had escaped. Others felt hard, and decided against the testimony borne, and there was a division in the body. You can take the responsibility of this. We have had to labor for the church in ----- with distress of spirit to do away the wrong influence and impressions you had created. You have a work to do there. (1T 318.1) MC VC
Satan’s efforts are more powerful now than ever before, for he knows that his time to deceive is short. Brother Hull, I saw that you had injured yourself greatly by exposing your weakness and telling your doubts to those who are Satan’s agents. You have been deceived by soft words and fair speeches, and have exposed yourself in a most reckless manner to the attacks of Satan. How could you thus wound yourself and reproach God’s word? You have recklessly rushed upon Satan’s battleground, and it is no marvel that your mind is so stupid and unfeeling. Already has Satan through his agents poisoned the atmosphere you breathe; already have evil angels telegraphed to his agents upon earth in regard to the course to be pursued toward you. And this is one whom God has called to stand between the living and the dead; this is one of the watchmen stationed upon the walls of Zion to tell the people the time of night. A heavy responsibility rests upon you. If you go down, you will not go alone; for Satan will employ you as his agent to lead souls to death. (1T 430.1) MC VC
I saw that angels of God were looking sorrowfully toward you. They had left your side and were turning mournfully away, while Satan and his angels were grinning in exultation over you. If you had yourself battled with your doubts and not encouraged the devil to tempt you, by talking out your unbelief and loving to dwell upon it, you would not have attracted the fallen angels about you in such numbers. But you chose to talk your darkness; you chose to dwell upon it; and the more you talk and dwell upon it, the darker and darker you grow. You are shutting out from you every ray of heaven’s light; and a great gulf is coming between you and the only ones who can help you. If you proceed in the way you have started, misery and woe are before you. God’s hand will arrest you in a manner that will not suit you. His wrath will not slumber. But now He invites you. Now, just now, He calls upon you to return unto Him without delay, and He will graciously pardon and heal all your backslidings. God is leading out a people who are peculiar. He will cleanse and purify them, and fit them for translation. Every carnal thing will be separated from God’s peculiar treasures until they shall be like gold seven times purified. (1T 430.2) MC VC