Ev 454
(Evangelism 454)
November 7. I rested well through the night. At half past four I arose and began writing. At ten o’clock, May Walling and I rode out to visit Sister E. (Ev 454.1) MC VC
November 8. I slept well through the night. During the day I drove to the house where Sister F is boarding with her children. We took her out to ride with us, and had a long talk with her. She is a woman who has seen great trouble. (Ev 454.2) MC VC
November 9. In response to an earnest invitation, we drove out to a pleasant grove, where the parents and children of the Sabbath school were having a picnic.... I spoke for about half an hour. A number of unbelievers were present. (Ev 454.3) MC VC
November 10. I wrote till noon, and after dinner we drove to Bourdon, to fill an appointment to meet with some sisters there. We had a very precious season of prayer, believing Christ’s promise that where two or three meet together in His name, He meets with them to bless them. I read some important matter to those present, and talked with them. I labored harder than when I speak on the Sabbath; for I was with them for nearly two hours. It was almost dark when we reached home; but I was blessed of the Lord, and we were happy in His love. (Ev 454.4) MC VC
November 11. I fear that I have been doing too much. Since Sabbath I have written eighty-six pages, letter paper, besides making several visits to people in their homes. This afternoon I called at Brother and Sister H’s and left some books. (Ev 454.5) MC VC