CSW 152
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 152)
Danger of Cold Formality VC
The old, old story of the love of Jesus, repeated by the teachers and the superintendent, with the love of Jesus in the heart, will have a power that will convict and convert souls. If the love and tenderness of Jesus has touched your heart, you will be able to work for your scholars. The simplicity of the gospel must be kept in view. With help from above we can do faithful work for the Master. The fact should be kept continually before the scholars that without heart work all our efforts will be in vain. (CSW 152.1) MC VC
Affection and love should be seen in every movement of the teachers and managers of the school. Cold formality should be replaced by earnest zeal and energy. The love of Jesus should pervade the whole school that the pupils will learn to regard this as the highest education. Sternness or faultfinding should find no place in Sabbath school or day school. This should be put far from the hearts of the teachers, and of all who act a leading part in the school. (CSW 152.2) MC VC
Pride should not be felt in the forms or mechanical workings of the school, but in the good that is accomplished in bringing souls to Jesus Christ. Machines may be made to respond to the will of man, working with perfect exactitude, but they are destitute of souls. So with schools where formality takes a leading place; it is as marble without life. When all connected with the school have a sense of the responsibility of their work, and feel that they are making efforts, not only for time, but for eternity, order and harmony will be seen in every department.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 89, 90. (CSW 152.3) MC VC