CSW 116
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 116)
Spiritual Indolence VC
In some Sabbath schools, positions are given to persons who have no aptitude to teach. They have no earnest love for souls. They do not half understand the practical bearings of the truth themselves. How, then, can they lead the children and youth to the living Fountain? Let the teachers themselves drink deep of the water of salvation, and the angels of God will minister to them, and they will know just what course the Lord would have them take to win the precious youth to Jesus. It requires aptitude, a will, perseverance, a spirit such as Jacob had when he wrestled in prayer, and exclaimed, “I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me.” Genesis 32:26. When the blessing of God rests upon the teachers, it can but be reflected to those under their charge. Never place the youth under individuals who are spiritually indolent, who have no high, elevated, holy aspirations; for the same mind of indifference, pharisaism, of form without the power, will be seen in both teachers and scholars.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 13. (CSW 116.1) MC VC