CSW 185
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 185)
It is important that the exercises in our camp meeting Sabbath schools be conducted with order, promptness, and efficiency. Then the right mold will be given to Sabbath schools in the different churches, as the people return to their homes. Do not allow business and other interests to crowd out the Sabbath school interest, so that it shall be considered a matter of no special consequence.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 12-14. (CSW 185.1) MC VC
Local Institutes Suggested VC
Instruction in regard to conducting the Sabbath school should, to a large degree, be given in the home churches; for the labor can be made more direct and the results will be more permanent if instruction is given at home. This work does not require the services of the ministers; they should be free to attend to the spiritual interests of the people. They are to teach others what to do. They must instruct the people as to how to come to the Lord and how to lead others to Him.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 113, 114. (CSW 185.2) MC VC
Sabbath School Conventions VC
Question. [Note.—Following remarks of Mrs. E. G. White to The General Conference Committee, at Lake Goguac, near Battle Creek, Michigan, July 14, 1890, questions were asked by various ministers, and answered by her. The questions pertaining to the Sabbath school work are here quoted.]—Would you think, Sister White, that taking up the detail work of drilling the Sabbath school workers would come under the same head? [That is, drilling canvassers, and missionary workers, and holding cooking schools at our camp meetings.] (CSW 185.3) MC VC