CG 205
(Child Guidance 205)
Diversity of Disposition in Family Members—Marked diversities of disposition and character frequently exist in the same family, for it is in the order of God that persons of varied temperament should associate together. When this is the case, each member of the household should sacredly regard the feelings and respect the right of the others. By this means mutual consideration and forbearance will be cultivated, prejudices will be softened, and rough points of character smoothed. Harmony may be secured, and the blending of the varied temperaments may be a benefit to each. (CG 205.1) MC VC
Study Individual Minds and Characters—Every child brought into the world increases the responsibility of the parents.... Their dispositions, their tendencies, their traits of character are to be studied. Very carefully should the discriminating powers of the parents be educated, that they may be enabled to repress the wrong tendencies and encourage right impressions and correct principles. (CG 205.2) MC VC
Violence or harshness is not required in this work. Self-control must be cultivated and leave its impression on the mind and heart of the child. (CG 205.3) MC VC
It is a very nice work to deal with human minds. All children cannot be treated in the same way, for that restraint which must be kept upon one would crush out the life of another. (CG 205.4) MC VC