1T 439
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 439)
All who desire to draw away from God’s remnant people in order to follow their own corrupt hearts would throw themselves willingly into Satan’s hands, and should have the privilege. There are others among us who are in danger. They have an exalted opinion of their own ability, while their influence in many respects has been but little better than that of Elder Hull. Unless they thoroughly reform, the cause would be better off without them. Unsanctified ministers injure the cause and are a heavy tax upon their brethren. They need someone to follow after them to correct their mistakes and to straighten up and strengthen those who have been weakened and torn down through their influence. They are jealous of those who have borne burdens in the work, those who would sacrifice even their lives if necessary to advance the cause of truth. They judge their brethren to have no higher motives than they have had. Doing much for ministers who are thus subject to Satan’s temptations injures them and is a waste of means. It gives them influence, and thus places them where they can wound their brethren and the cause of God most deeply. (1T 439.1) MC VC