CT 200
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 200)
In sending children to the public schools, parents are placing them under demoralizing influences—influences that injure the morals and habits. In such surroundings, children often receive instruction that trains them to be enemies of Christ. They lose sight of piety and virtue. (CT 200.1) MC VC
Many public schools are permeated by the baneful influence of boys and girls who are experts in sin. And the children who are allowed to play on the street are also obtaining a training that thoughtless parents will sometime learn leads to recklessness and lawlessness. (CT 200.2) MC VC
God has given inquiring minds to youth and children. Their reasoning powers are entrusted to them as precious talents. It is the duty of parents to keep the matter of their education before them in its true meaning; for it comprehends many lines. They should be taught to improve every talent, expecting that all will be used in the service of Christ for the uplifting of fallen humanity. (CT 200.3) MC VC
Much of the success of a church school depends upon the teacher chosen. The one placed in charge of a school should be of suitable age; and where the number of students is large enough, assistants should be chosen from among the older ones. Thus the students will gain an experience of great value. (CT 200.4) MC VC