Ev 438
(Evangelism 438)
The Answering of Questions—No minister is sufficiently equipped for his work who does not know how to meet the people at their homes, and come into close relation to their needs. The people should be allowed to ask questions concerning subjects presented that seem to be obscure to them. The light of God is to be brought before their vision. How often when this has been done, and the minister has been able to answer their inquiries, has a flood of light broken into some darkened mind, and hearts have been comforted together in the faith of the gospel. This is the way we are to work in order to flash the light into the minds of those who are seeking a knowledge of the way of salvation.—The Review and Herald, April 19, 1892. (Ev 438.1) MC VC
Training Follow-up Workers—Some should now be in training, connected with you, so that if you should be called away to some other place, they might continue to exercise a gathering influence. Let us pray in regard to this matter. We must pray and work and believe. The Lord is our efficiency.—Letter 376, 1906. (Ev 438.2) MC VC
Effective Method for Men of Ordinary Talent—Men of ordinary talents can accomplish more by personal labor from house to house than by placing themselves in popular places at great expense, or by entering halls and trying to call out the crowd. Personal influence is a power. The more direct our labor for our fellow men, the greater good will be accomplished.... You must come close to those for whom you labor, that they may not only hear your voice, but shake your hand, learn your principles, and realize your sympathy.—The Review and Herald, December 8, 1885. (Ev 438.3) MC VC