Ev 330
(Evangelism 330)
Right Methods Produce a Soul Harvest—When in our work for God right methods are energetically followed, a harvest of souls will be gathered.—The Review and Herald, April 28, 1904. (Ev 330.1) MC VC
Evil of Idolizing the Minister—The fact that a minister is applauded and praised is no evidence that he has spoken under the influence of the Spirit. It is too frequently the case that young converts, unless guarded, will set their affections more upon their minister than upon their Redeemer. They feel that they have been greatly benefited by their minister’s labors. They conceive that he possesses the most exalted gifts and graces, and that no other can do as well as he; therefore they attach undue importance to the man and his labors. This is a confidence that disposes them to idolize the man, and look to him more than to God, and in doing this they do not please God nor grow in grace. They do great harm to the minister, especially if he is young, and developing into a promising gospel laborer.... (Ev 330.2) MC VC
The minister of Christ who is imbued with the Spirit and love of his Master, will so labor that the character of God and of His dear Son may be made manifest in the fullest and clearest manner. He will strive to have his hearers become intelligent in their conceptions of the character of God, that His glory may be acknowledged on the earth.—Gospel Workers, 44, 45 (1892). (Ev 330.3) MC VC
Converted to Man Rather Than Christ—Four years ago there was an effort made by Elder _____ in _____, and the people turned out in a wonderful manner to hear. If right plans had been made there might have been many souls brought to truth. Brother _____ was not working in the right lines, his main purpose was to get the largest kind of congregation by fanciful preaching, which differed vastly from the preaching of John, the forerunner of Christ. Many signed the covenant, but when he left it was demonstrated that they believed in _____, were attracted to the man and not to Jesus Christ. Many who signed the covenant were unconverted, and when left alone they withdrew their names.—Letter 79, 1893. (Ev 330.4) MC VC