FW 32.1
(Faith and Works 32.1)
The whole world is guilty in God’s sight of transgressing His law. Because the great majority will continue to transgress, and thus remain at enmity with God, is no reason why none should confess themselves guilty and become obedient. To a superficial observer, persons who are naturally amiable, who are educated and refined, may appear perfect in life. “Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Unless the life-giving truths of God’s Word, when presented to the conscience, are understandingly received and then faithfully carried out in the life, no man can see the kingdom of heaven. To some, these truths have a charm because of their novelty but are not accepted as the Word of God. Those who do not receive the light when it is brought before them will be condemned by it. (FW 32.1) MC VC