2MCP 493
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 493)
By Faith Reach Through the Darkness — If I should look at the dark clouds—the troubles and perplexities that come to me in my work—I should have time to do nothing else. But I know that there is light and glory beyond the clouds. By faith I reach through the darkness to the glory. At times I am called to pass through financial perplexities. But I do not worry about money. God takes care of my affairs. I do all that I can, and when the Lord sees that it is best for me to have money, He sends it to me.—Manuscript 102, 1901. (2MCP 493.1) MC VC
Faith a Necessity — When I was visiting the Paradise Valley Sanitarium about three years ago, I spoke nearly every morning at five o’clock to the workers, and at a later hour to the patients. There was among the patients one man who seemed always to be depressed. I learned that he believed the theory of the Bible doctrines but could not exercise the faith he needed to appropriate to himself the promises of God. (2MCP 493.2) MC VC
Morning after morning I spoke to the patients about faith and urged them to believe the words of God. Yet this poor man seemed unable to admit that he had faith. I talked with him alone. I presented the truth to him in every way possible, then I asked him if he could not believe that Christ was his individual Saviour and would help him. Our Saviour has said to all who are weary and heavy laden, “Take My yoke upon you.” Do not wear a yoke of your own framing. “Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:28, 29). (2MCP 493.3) MC VC
Finally the time came when I must leave. I said to him, “Now, my friend, can you tell me that you have learned to trust that Saviour who has taken so much pains to meet the situation of every soul? Can you and will you trust in Him? Can you tell me, before I leave, that you have received faith to believe God?” (2MCP 493.4) MC VC
He looked up and said, “Yes, I believe. I have faith.” (2MCP 493.5) MC VC
“Thank the Lord,” I replied. I felt that although there were others who had been present and had listened to my talks in the parlor, I had in this case been amply rewarded for all my efforts.—Manuscript 41, 1908. (2MCP 493.6) MC VC