UL 121.2
(The Upward Look 121.2)
Some days ago I received copies of a number of testimonials written for Brother N_____ by different men in official positions. I read these testimonials. In the night season a representation passed before me. Brother and Sister N_____ were looking over these testimonials. As they were talking together, there stood by their side, not the One who appeared to Brother N_____ on a certain occasion—the Messenger of heaven—but an evil messenger, who insinuated into Brother N_____’s mind the belief that his brethren wanted to get control of his property, and to put him and his wife out of the work.... The messenger said that they had been turned out in their old age in order that these brethren might carry on the work they had begun. Sister N_____ accepted this statement. Many false reports were received as truth. Next, Brother N_____ was represented to me as writing letters containing these false reports.... (UL 121.2) MC VC